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Tryout Registration Link: Summer 2025 and Spring 2025

Click the link to register for tryouts. Vipers Baseball Club Tryouts. (All players please pre-register prior to tryouts. Thanks!

In loving memory of Noah Stanakis #vipersfamily

In loving memory of Noah Stanakis #vipersfamily

College Recruiting

Vipers Baseball Club Inc DBA Vipers Sports Academy (VSA) is currently working hand in hand with College Profiles International to ensure their players an opportunity at the College Level. Currently Vipers Baseball Club Inc. is at 100% placement rate for their graduating seniors over the past 12 years. CPI & Vipers work together to promote their players skills to every college coach in the country! If you are a high school student athlete and have considered playing collegiate level sports, please contact Vipers Sports Academy today for more information! Together Vipers Sports Academy and College Profiles International will inform & educate you on what it takes to become a collegiate athlete! Visit their website today for more information.

Contact Us

Vipers Office: 561-600-4172 (Immediate Assistance)

Coach Louie - 513-218-3851 Director/Head Coach 

Coach Jason Shone - 561-262-9457 (Baseball Questions/Team Questions)

Miss Vickie - 513-545-6864 - (To make a payment/Fundraising) (Website/Online Rosters/ Tournament Info/Tournament Rosters)

Miss Linda - 513-545-8407 - (Hotel Info/ Directions /Fields/  Schedule Questions) Online Store